E-Commerce Marketing Campaign

**Email Marketing Campain This application makes use of the MERN stack: * MongoDB (MongoDB Atlas) * Express * React (ContextAPI, Hooks, High Order Components) * Redux (Thunk, Form) * Node * Stripe Payment * Sendgrid * Google OAuth authentication

Redit Timer

**Web App to Find the Best Time to Post Your Subreddit Based on Previous Posts A Pratical Web App Built With Professional Design, Tools and Methods * React/React Hooks * Jest Unit Testing * Cypress E2E Testing * Agile Projet Management With ClickUps * GitHub Flow * Git Branch/PR Conflict Resolution * Slack Team Collaboration

Restaurant Review PWA Mobile App

**Select Restaurant by Cuisine and Location Then Write Review With a Rating Vanilla JavaScript Service Worker Implementation Design and implement Accessible, Responsive PWA Mobile App * IndexedDB * Background Sync * DOM Manipulation * Lighthouse Scores: - PWA > 90 - Performance > 90 - Accessibility > 90

Cocoonfly Art Gallery

Art Gallery Stactic Website Featuring Events, Artists and Their Work Jamstack Project With Gatsby, Strapi and Cloudinary deployed to Netlify * Gatsby * Graphql * Starapi API Data Modeling * Cloudinary media repository * Heroku Strapi API deployment * Netlify Front end deployment

Chicago 2CV Citroen Tours

**Promo Website For Visiting Chicago In a 1976 Citroen 2CV Charleston Jamstack Project With Gatsby and Contentful CMS * Contentful API Data Modeling * Gatsby Static Site Generator * Engaging Front End Design * Responsive * Beautiful Contents

North Pond 365/360 Photo Gallery

** Photo Gallery Static Website with React Carousel Component Jamstack Project With Gatsby and DatoCMS Gatsby/React Graphql SASS Vercel webhook Mapbox API